Gentle readers, tonight is the first #a2Council meeting of March. Here's the agenda.
The meeting kicks off with a stacked Public Commentary. I'm counting 29, which means 15 will speak before the consent agenda, and 14 will speak at the end of the meeting.
Then we get to the consent agenda. CA-5 is a contract for street resurfacing. It is strangely controversial because at one of the intersections where this is happening, the neighbors are opposed because they don't feel like they have been consulted enough. I appreciate their concern, but the city is able to make this intersection safer and save money. It is important for the city to prioritize the safety of the broader community. CA-1 is fun, it's approval for the Monroe Street Fair.
There is one public hearing on the docket this evening. PH-1/B-1 is on the second reading of an ordinance to rezone 0.6 acres from R1C (single family) to PL (public land).
There is one ordinance first reading on tonight's agenda. C-1 makes some changes to the city's non-conforming structure ordinance.
On to the resolutions. DC-1 and DC-2 are tabled business from last meeting. They both pertain to the Public Power discourse. The former is to authorize a $1.7m contract to complete an electric grid asset valuation and municipalization study. The latter is to authorize the city to put a ballot initiative forward to authorize the purchase of DTE's infrastructure in the city.
DC-3 is a resolution to order an election and determine a ballot question for a charter amendment to authorize the sale of the Library Lot to the AADL. For background on the Library Lot Saga, please check out Desolate and Uninviting—The Failure of 2018’s Proposal A and the Future of the Library Lot by Dan Adams. DC-4 is a resolution to determine an election to repeal 2018's Prop A, which established the "Center of the City." Could this be the beginning of the end of the Library Lot Saga? Only time will tell, but this is nevertheless exciting.
If you want to follow the blow by blow tonight, make sure you check out the #a2Council hashtag on Bluesky.